Join our next Seeking Wisdom through Dialogue call - Open to All
In a noisy world, we are the quiet corner—a sanctuary for seekers and thinkers, a space where curiosity meets connection, and exploration sparks inner knowing. This is not just a community; it’s a global tribe—a home for those longing to rediscover the wisdom already within.
Wisdom is not something to be learned or earned. It’s an energy, a balance, a truth that lives within us all. It’s the meeting point of masculine and feminine—where action and intuition, logic and creativity, strength and vulnerability coexist in harmony.
This year, we invite you to embark on a journey through the seasons of wisdom, each offering transformative opportunities to deepen your connection to yourself and the world around you.
The journey is better together, so we've decided that each membership includes the chance to invite a friend along on the journey. We have split the year into different seasons and with each season we explore a philosophical theory, a classical element and 3 different chakras/energy centres along the way.
Each journey will be open to join between the New Moon and the Full Moon and you can choose if you want to commit to a single season or keep it going. We ask you to commit to at least a season at a time so that we get a chance to really embrace our connections and search for wisdom.
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“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle
The year begins by anchoring you in the essence of who you are. This season is about building the foundation for personal growth by exploring your inner landscape, connecting with your core values, and embracing your unique magic.
Philosophical Theory: Solipsism – Highlights the importance of individual experience, emphasizing that self-awareness and perception shape reality. PLUS you get to invite a friend along on the journey.
Colour: Deep Blue
Element: Water
Chakra/Energy Centres: Earth Star, Root Chakra and Sacral Chakra
Book: Siddharta by Hermann Hess
What’s included in this season: